
SNHC7430 Mobile Social Networks, Spring 2015

  • Instructors: Hung-Chin Jang (National Cheng Chi University), Chung-Ta King (National Tsing Hua University), Yuh-Jong Hu (National Cheng Chi University), Cheng-Hsin Hsu (National Tsing Hua University)
  • Coordinator: Cheng-Hsin Hsu (National Tsing Hua University), use chsu AT as the contact window.
  • Time: Tuesdays 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
  • Location: IIS New Building 107, Academia Sinica
  • Office Hour: By appointment
  • TA: Shu-Ting Wang (kelvinstwang AT
  • TA Office Hour: By appointment 

Course Description

Mobile Social Networks is an emerging and exciting new research area, and the course will consist of the presentations in four directions:

  1. Introduction on Mobile Social Networks
  2. Mobile Social Network Services
  3. Context-Aware Mobile Computing in Mobile Social Networks
  4. Data Analysis and Privacy in Mobile Social Networks

In addition to presentations given by the lecturers, students are required to present recent papers on mobile social networks that are related to the topic discussed that week.

Students will also work on a term project on mobile social networks. To accelerate the project progress, Android development tutorial will be given in the first few weeks of the semester, and four Android programming projects will be given.


Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach,” A. Chin and D. Zhang (Eds), Springer. Available at the libraries at National Tsing Hua University and National Cheng Chi University. 


Related papers that can be found in ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, or other online databases.

Teaching Methods:

  • Presentations done by lecturers
  • Student presentations
  • Discussion
  • Programming tutorial
  • Term project: Each student is required to submit a project proposal in the first month, report his/her progress every other weeks, deliver a mid-term report by the end of April, present/demo their projects at the end of the semester, and submit a final technical report.


Tentative detailed topics to cover are:

  1. Socially Aware Computing: Concepts, Technologies, and Practices (Cheng-Hsin Hsu, NTHU)
  2. Ephemeral Social Networks (Cheng-Hsin Hsu, NTHU)
  3. Social Behavior in Mobile Social Networks: Characterizing Links, Roles, and Communities (Hung-Chin Jang, NCCU)
  4. Mobile Social Service Design for Special Context (Hung-Chin Jang, NCCU)
  5. Exploiting Personal and Community Context in Mobile Social Networks (Chung-Ta King, NTHU)
  6. Enhancing Mobile Social Networks with Ambient Intelligence (Chung-Ta King, NTHU)
  7. Data Analysis on Location-Based Social Networks (Yuh-Jong Hu, NCCU)
  8. Towards Trustworthy Mobile Social Networking (Yuh-Jong Hu, NCCU) 


  • Assignments (20%): 4 times
  • Android Programming Projects (40%): 4 projects
  • Term Project (40%): This includes 4 paper presentations (10%), 3 technical reports (5% proposal, 10% mid-term, 10% final), and final project presentation/demo (5%).