
CS5244 Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems, Fall 2013

  • Instructor: Cheng-Hsin Hsu (chsu AT cs.nthu.edu.tw)
  • TA: Su-Ting Wang (kelvinstwang AT gmail.com), EECS Building 741
  • Time: Tuesdays 10:10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Thursdays 10:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Location: EECS 132
  • Office Hour: Wednesdays at Delta Building (台達館) 643.

This is an introductory course to Cyber-Physical System (CPS), which put networked computing resources with phsical systems. This is an interdisciplinary built upon the embedded programming course. In fact, embedded system design represents 1/3 of this course, the other 1/3 is on system modeling and the rest 1/3 is on analysis and verification. We will use the course materials developed by Profs. Lee and Seshia at Berkely. The five major topics covered are:

  • Model-Based Design: Implementation code based on a mathematical model
  • System Analysis: Verify that your model & implementation will meet a spec.
  • Concurrency: multiple tasks correctly and efficiently
  • Time and Resources: Ensuring that tasks finish on time and within budgets
  • Networking and other Advanced Topics: Automotive networks, mapping an area by a robot, etc.

The lectures will be given in English. All the assignments and reports must be in English.

Tentative Topics

I. Introduction to CPS Systems (2 weeks)
   1. Embedded real-time systems
   2. Streaming data processing
   3. Cloud computing

II. Communications for Cyber-Physical Systems (5 weeks)
   1. Multi-hop communications
   2. Wireless sensor networks
   3. Real-time communications
   4. Workflow-based message passing
   5. Precision Time Protocol

III. Design of Embedded Systems (3 weeks)
   1. Embedded platforms
   2. Multithreaded programming
   3. Scheduling algorithms

IV. Modeling dynamic behaviors (4 weeks)
   1. Continuous dynamic systems
   2. Discrete dynamic systems
   3. Hybrid systems
   4. Composition of state machines
   5. Concurrent models of computations

V. Analysis and verification (2 weeks)
   1. Temporal logic
   2. Equivalence and refinement
   3. Reachability analysis and model checking
   4. Quantitative analysis


Lee and Seshia, Introduction to Embedded Systems – A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, available online, 2013.




  • Homework (20%)
  • Midterm and Final Exam (30%)
  • Projects (50%)


The instructor thanks Profs. Leee and Sheshia, as well as the CPS community for sharing their course materials.