
CompSci234/NetSys210 Advanced Topics in Networking

  • Instructor: Cheng-Hsin Hsu (chsu AT
  • Time: Mondays, Wendesdays, and Fridays 1:00 – 1:50 p.m.
  • Location: PCB 1200
  • Office: DBH 3232
  • Office Hour: By email appointment

This course covers the latest development in both wired and wireless networking systems. Sample topics include software-defined networks, mobile networks, multimedia networking, pervasive/ubiquitous computing, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) platforms. The course prerequisites include undergraduate-level course in computer networks and working knowledge of C++ or Java. The course contains both breadth and depth requirements. For breadth requirement, the concepts, techniques, and issues of advanced topics in networking systems will be presented by the instructor. Sample lecture topics include: software-defined networks, delay-sensitive cloud computing, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, analytics in Internet-of-Things networks, and 360-degree video streaming. For depth requirement, students will form small (2-3 persons) groups working on an intensive term project. Each group will propose and carry out an original research in advanced networking systems and write a technical report at the end of the quarter. Sample project topics include, but not limited to: decentralized social media, point cloud streaming, distributed virtual/augmented reality, smart environment applications, and media-aware network elements.


Tentative Topics: 

  • [Weeks 1-2] Internet Technologies and Cloud Computing
  • [Weeks 3-4] Multimedia Networking
  • [Weeks 5-6] Software Defined Networks and Peer-to-Peer Networks
  • [Weeks 7-8] Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks
  • [Weeks 9-10] Internet-of-Things and Sensor Networks


None. Students will search, print, read, and present the latest search papers under the guidance of the instructor.


  • [KR16] Kurose and Rose, Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach (7th Edition), Pearsons, 2016.
  • [SC07] Schaar and Chou, Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks: Compression, Networking, and Systems, Elsevier, 2007.
  • [SN04] Steinmetz and Nahrstedt, Multimedia Systems, Springer, 2004.
  • [WOZ02] Wang, Ostermann, Zhang, Video Processing and Communications, Prentice Hall, 2002.


  • Programming Assignments (best 2 out of 3): 30%
    1. Tiled 360° Video Streaming Based on GPAC
    2. Software Defined Networking with P4 and ONOS
    3. Internet-of-Things Analytics Using TensorFlow
  • Bi-weekly Quizzes (5 times): 20%
  • Team Presentation: 5%
  • Term paper: 45%

Term Project Topics:

The following is not an exhausted list of the latest research topics.

  • Distributed Pub/Sub Architecture
  • Smart Environments
  • Media-Aware Network Elements
  • Distributed Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • 3D Point Cloud Streaming
  • Decentralized Social Media